Sunday, September 6

Miss Daisy The Corgi

Phew! This weekend has been crazy! We got our puppy, Daisy!
We drove out around 4:30am because I didn't want us to drive home tired in the dark. 
***This is another long post! But don't worry there are tons of puppy photos!***
Day 1
It was pitch black when we started our trek. For some reason we kept talking about serial killers. I had taken a criminal law class in high school and learned about this stuff. We would watch gruesome documentaries in class and learn about John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy and Ed Gien. I've always been intrigued by criminal/medical mysteries. I also took a forensic science class and anatomy in high school and really liked that. I thought about being a Medical Examiner but once I failed chemistry, I knew it wasn't the right path. We kept joking with each other that a hitchhiker would come out and want a ride from us. 
We also drove through some wine farms. Wayne really liked the tall trees and wanted me to take a photo.
We got there about 15 minutes later than we expected because it was raining really hard. But Cindy, the breeder was waiting and okay with it. It's so crazy how much bigger they are! So cute!!
We got inside and the breeder gave us the paperwork and saw Daisy. My heart melted seeing her! We were really happy that we found Cindy. She gave Daisy a kiss goodbye and even gave us, a purple harness and a little bag with toys and dog food! That was so thoughtful of her!
The car ride wasn't that bad. I held her in my arms for a bit to get her to calm down. Then I put her in a huge Amazon box we had. I didn't want to bring the crate. It was massive and made for a 20b dog. Which obviously, Daisy isn't (yet.) This was the look she'd give me...I don't think she quite trusted us yet.
Sniffing around...
But when I talked to her, she'd start to smile. Again, my heart just melts when I see this face!
She pretty much slept 80% of the time. It was quite fascinating. We thought we'd have to stop every hour to take her to the bathroom. 
Such a sweetie.
We all were happy to get home. Daisy explored the apartment and all the toys we bought her. 
She's responding to me really well. I think Wayne was a little concerned at first that she didn't pay attention to him. I told him though he was driving the whole time and was "Miss Daisy's" chauffeur. Get it? Driving Miss Daisy...Anyway, that she needed some time to get to know him. Since she was in the back seat with me for 4.5 hours. 
Puppy parent selfie!
Mr. Big Puppy & Daisy
Snoozes next to Mama.
Snuggles with Daddy.
We got her a "Bark-ati" Bottle toy. She fell asleep next to it like this. LOLS. She looks like she's passed out with alcohol. 
When we were ready to go to bed. We put her stuffed animals around her. Before we left Cindy's we had her Doggie Mama and litter mates run around with the toys. We think she's homesick. I slept out on the couch to be near her. She didn't cry or whine a lot. We've been using our outside porch and pee pad interchangeably. She had a few accidents in the house, but they were our error. We didn't react fast enough. I've noticed she's pretty smart. She perks up to her name after one day. 
Day 2
Daisy woke us up around 3:00am and wanted to play. She's a little fur ball. 
Mama! Play with me!
We both cashed out after playing around 9am. This puppy is adorable but a little exhausting! Totally worth it though.
We found she really likes napping near the couch.
LOLS! I brought her up on the couch with me and she fell asleep. I think she just wanted to be with someone. 
Just woke up and all smiles!

We took her out for a walk. There was glass on a large portion of the sidewalk. So I carried Daisy in my bag for a little while. We found out that she likes being held in my arms instead.

Smiling after a walkie.
Daisy and her Daddy
Chewing a fresh bone
I flipped the camera on my iPad so she could see herself. I don't think she liked it.
Bone chewing and hung out in the cage!
We put the caged gate near our bed. She wasn't happy to look upwards at us but eventually got over it. She was able to sleep after hearing our voices and breathing. 

Stay tuned for more adventures!