Monday, July 20

Homemade Blueberry Pie

Today is my last day of work. It's nice because I'll get a few days off to relax before starting my new job. I'm looking forward to making some "Emma" time. My first goal is to make a blueberry pie from scratch. I also want to go paddle-boarding again, try anti-gravity yoga, and regulate my sleep schedule some-what. Work today was bittersweet. I'm SUPER excited for my new job. But I know I'm going to miss my boss and co-workers. They were a really nice bunch and I got to know them a lot better. But at the same time, I'm ready to move on in my career and establish myself here in Seattle.
A little off topic, but I've been thinking about the relationships I have with my friends and family. I think we as humans, try to interject and impose expectations onto a person about they should feel as a way of comfort. And as humans, putting other peoples feelings above our own is valued in society. Which, to be honest, it is a valuable trait. I mean, you put your spouse's feeling before yours or you put your child's feelings before yours. You don't want to go to a big family event but your spouse wants you to go. Or you don't like your child's friends parents but you go because your child is friends with their kid. But over the past few years, I've realized that sometimes it is okay to go with how you feel.

I think that has been one of the biggest struggles of my life is being okay with how I feel and knowing other people may not be okay with it. I think sometimes I get worried about how other people will react or disregard my feelings as insignificant. So I've built an internal system where I worry more about the expectations placed (either intentionally or unintentionally) on top of me. And typically in the end, it does more harm than good because I don't let myself regard my own feelings. I let my loved ones influence how I should feel and if I don't feel that way then I blame myself thinking something is wrong with me. Which isn't okay.

But I know and it's still a struggle. But I also know that my gut is my gut. When I have a gut feeling then that is what I need to go with undoubtedly. Not my family, not my friends nor my boyfriend can go against that gut feeling. And I think I still need to learn that and accept that. Accepting the fact my gut is more important than what the ones in my life I love dearly, say or think. Because, at the end of the day everyone has an image of how to help me or an expectation of what I should do. When really what matters is how I how I help myself. That being said, I admit, it is crucial to give and take in some circumstances. Not always will you win or lose. But I think, when those red alarms go off in the gut, then that's when you need to push all aside and go with that instinct.

Anyways, I digress. Ever since we moved out here, I wanted to go blueberry picking and also apple picking (something I'll need to do in the fall.) Growing up, I really didn't make pies with my mom. We generally made cookies or cakes. I've wanted to learn make to do a pie but always felt intimidated. I'd see these awesome Instagram photos during the holidays of other people's decorative crusts. I'd think, "Wow, that's awesome! I wish I could do that." I've always felt the crust is a make or break. If you mess up the crust, then the whole pie is ruined. Some people say making a pie is easy - which it might be for some. But I think it's because you either use pre-made pie dough when you make them or grew up making pies a lot for Thanksgiving. 

I first took a pie making class when I was back in Chicago. But even then I sucked at it. I don't know why but my rolling skills (pie dough rolling) stink. When I rolled my dough out it looked like the state of Wisconsin instead of a nice oval to go over the pie pan. The pie still tasted great because it was a class. And I still never ventured out and made my own pie.

It's my goal this summer because I want to improve and also accomplish something I've never done on my own. Apparently, my grandma (on my dad's side) used to make awesome pies from scratch. My dad would rave about how she made the best lemon meringue pie. She passed away when I was in middle school and she never wrote any of her recipes down. She had them all in her head. Which was fascinating and disappointing. I would have loved to try some of her recipes. Another goal of mine down the road is to someday make a lemon meringue pie...but we'll have to save that one for another day because I'll need to buy a hand torch to do the topping. :)

Anyway, yesterday morning, Wayne and I went blueberry picking in North Bend, WA. Wayne made a friend in our apartment complex. So, we invited them along with us. They're a nice couple from Minnesota. Plus they have a car and offered to drive instead of us renting a zip car. I thought that was very nice of them to do so.
I was pleasantly surprised by the blueberry farm. Beautiful Mount Si was overlooking the blueberry patches and the blueberry patches were quite dense and full of blueberries!
Rows and rows of blueberries!
We got there around 9amish and it only took us an hour to pick 4.5 pounds of blueberries! It honestly did not feel that long. It felt like we were only out in the blueberry bushes for 20 minutes! Afterwards we went and got brunch at a lovely cafe. It was fun getting to know the couple and I hope we'll see them around. I'm really glad we chose this apartment complex. The rent is pricey but it is nice we've been able to meet other transplants from the Midwest.

So, a little fun fact about me: I LOVE blueberries. I always enjoyed going blueberry picking when I was younger. I would run around the blueberry patch and eat all the berries I could find. Looking back, I don't think I was much help in actually picking blueberries. Plus, whenever my mom bought blueberries at the grocery store, she would need to buy extra pint. I would eat a whole pint in one sitting by myself. That's how much I love blueberries. Wayne likes them too. But I feel like I need to fend him off to eat a pint. So I generally buy more blueberries than needed just like my mom.

 I did a bit of research on how to make this blueberry pie. So, I don't have one straightforward recipe. I combined a bunch of directions and tricks to make this pie. But hopefully my tips will help you! I used Bon Appetit's recipe and then adapted it with other tips I found online. You can find the "How to Make a Pie" article here. Now, let's get started! First, I got all my ingredients out. I made sure my butter was cold. Then I made sure to chop it up into big chunks. I threw it back in the fridge to make sure it was very solid before I started making the dough.
Then, I added the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl with the butter and blended it with my hands to work the butter chunks into smaller pieces. 
 Then, I quickly added 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar and 3 Tbsp. of ice cold water to the dough. I've heard numerous things you could add like crisco or just plain water. I decided to go with the pros and do apple cider vinegar. I don't use crisco a lot and didn't want to jump and go get some. Plus I heard mixed reviews about only using water.
When I was able to knead a ball of dough, I cut it in half and threw it in the fridge for 1 hour. This way the butter chunks could re-solidify as fats. The fat creates that buttery and flaky crust. 
Next, I washed the freshly picked blueberries. I gave them a quick diluted vinegar bath (1 cup white vinegar and 3 cups water.) This helps remove any bacteria from the farm. To make sure they were good to use, I gave them a whirl in my salad spinner. Blueberries and mold do not mix. That's why I wanted to be sure I got rid of all the moisture (well, as much of it anyway.)
After the berries were prepped and the dough finished chilling, I rolled out the dough.  A few weeks ago, I had gone out and bought a nice Pyrex pie dish. It was kind of frustrating at first trying to knead the dough. The dough was very dry and crumbly. I was worried of over kneading it. Overworking the dough releases more gluten and causes the dough to shrink when baked. 
I rolled out the bottom crust. While Wayne got home from work and helped me do the top crust. 
Wayne working away.
My bottom crust wasn't big enough.  It was hard getting enough dough around the edges of the pie. So I took any leftover scraps of dough and did some patch work. It is kind of nice because no one cares about the bottom and how it looks! Then I got started on making the filling. I added 2 pounds of fresh blueberries, some sugar, corn starch, fresh lime juice, and freshly grated ginger and lime zest. 
Did I get enough limes? Jamie Oliver would be proud...aka he uses limes in EVERYTHING. Seriously, go skim one of his cookbooks. He always adds a lime.

Then, I mixed everything in a bowl and gently stirred it all together.
 Me working away in the kitchen...oh and Wayne's thumb. LOL!
 I transferred the filling into the bottom crust then worked on making the upper crust. We rolled it out and then made strips to make the lattice topping.
Action shot!
So many blueberries! I then threw on a few teaspoons of chopped butter onto of the blueberry mixture. The butter would melt into any cracks and add a bit of flavor. 
We then carefully created the lattice by weaving the strips. I then created a quick fork crimp around the edges and Wayne finished with a light milk wash on top and a sprinkle of sugar. Then it was ready to go in the oven!  If you'd like to learn how to make a lattice crust, I thought Chef John's directions were pretty helpful! You can see his YouTube video here.  
Cheesy photo with the pie.
I then pre-heated the oven to 350 degrees, lined our pizza baking pan with foil and popped it in the oven for an hour and 1/2. 

Ta-da! MY BEAUTIFUL PIE! omfg - this tasted amazing! I was skeptical at first. The dough was pretty annoying to roll out, the lattice strips kept falling apart on me and the inside of the pie was very goopy after we baked it. But at the end of the day it was a darn good pie! Which honestly, is all that matters! Despite all the tiny mishaps, I loved how I could taste the actual blueberry taste while the ginger and lime helped soften the sweetness. The crust sucked rolling out but it nice and buttery with a good crunch. The best part was we shared it with friends too! I invited my friend over and the Minnesota couple we went blueberry picking with. I will say, it definitely was more enjoyable sharing this pie with others!!  Stay tuned for more adventures!

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