Thursday, September 18

Beet Ravioli with Goat Cheese, Ricotta and Mint

Today I made Beet Ravioli with Goat Cheese, Ricotta and Mint filling. Well, technically it took a majority of yesterday night to prep.

Ta-da! :) Pretty little red raviolis!

I've been on a beet kick lately. They sell these pre-marinated beets in little plastic boxes at Whole Foods. Those are absolutely delicious with your lunch. Plus I love the color of beets. The crimson burgundy color is so pretty.

I've been feeling much better. Still congested and tired but a whole lot better than I was on Monday. It was nice because Wayne helped me make these. When I got started, I quickly realized how time consuming making pasta can be. But then again, it was well worth the time because we both had a lot of fun making it. We even got in a flour fight :)

I always feel calm and in the moment when I cook or bake. Two of the questions I get a lot are, "Why don't you go to cooking school? or, "Why don't you become a chef?"

I don't want to make cooking/baking into a career because it would be ruined. Right now, this is my me time where I am utterly relaxed and in the moment. No worry, no stress, nothing. Cooking is something I can control and enjoy without interruption. I can be creative and learn new things. Or try out interesting recipes that sound exotic or unique. Cooking is something I can control and enjoy with out interruption. I can control what recipes I want to try out, what techniques I want to learn and whom I want to share it with. Cooking is a part of me. When I share it, a piece of my pride and soul comes out of it and you know what, sometimes I don't want to share it with people who will critique or waste it. And I think that's okay. Right now, I'm okay doing what I'm doing which is sharing photos, writing blog posts (when I can), enjoying good food and taking pride in the awesome meals I create.

Okay, enough of my rant.
Let's get to it.

First, I roasted the beets in the oven for an hour and removed the skins when they cooled down. Then I pulsed the beets till they were a smooth mixture. Then added the flour, salt, and eggs to make it into a dough. Then we placed the dough in the fridge to set.

Then I mixed the filling ingredients all together! The ricotta, the goat cheese, mint, parsley, salt and pepper!
The directions said to let it sit for 2 hours. We rolled out the dough after an hour and 1/2. It was getting pretty late and we wanted these done! Wayne helped out with the rolling!
Then I cut out shapes, dolloped the filling and added an egg wash to seal the ravioli. I think my favorite part was making the fork indentations. It's quite fun actually. 
Don't they look like little itty bitty savory pies? lol
Then you want to boil them until they float to the top like a buoy. 
We also cooked up a NY Strip Steak and mushrooms.
Tada! Finished product and a delicious meal. The dough was a little doughy but the filling inside the ravioli was absolutely divine!  
Beet Ravioli & Goat Cheese, Ricotta and Mint Filling Recipe here.


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