Monday, February 2

Bacon Meatballs with a Mango Honey Mustard Sauce

Yesterday, I made Paleomg's Bacon Meatballs with a Mango Honey Mustard Sauce.
 Our apartment had a Super Bowl party on the rooftop lounge so we went to that instead of a bar. After devouring probably way too many free cookies and popcorn, I felt I needed to cook something a little bit healthier (and substantial) for dinner. Plus I was annoyed after the game, and needed to blow off some steam. Can't believe we lost and didn't give it to Marshawn Lynch at the end. I'm not even a huge football fan and I was upset. lols. It just made sense to try and run it rather than throw it when you are that close and only have so much time left. :(
Hanging out at the roof-top loung area

As for the actual Super Bowl commercials, I was actually pretty impressed. There was one by Chevy that pretended to disconnect the broadcast. Everyone in the community area was like, "Huh? What's going on?" We all thought the TV was messed up. I gotta say that one was pretty good. Another one that got me all teary eyed was Toyota Camry's My Bold Dad commercial probably because it reminded me of my dad. In every decision I've made my dad has always supported me. Sometimes, the decisions I made growing up were tough, and I think sometimes my dad might not have always liked them, but he always was there to support my decision and support me. 

As for the half time show, I was kind of lost. It felt like I was on drugs or something. I did like how Katy Perry performed Firework at the end though. It added a nice touch and plus since The Interview movie, it has only become more popular. I did get confused with the beach balls and sharks. I think those shark costumes may make an appearance for Halloween 2015? They were pretty funny costumes. Or maybe people will get them for Shark Week? 
Katy Perry Halftime Show (I do not take credit for this photo)
Ta-da! Finished product! This was actually really good. I've made the creamy cucumber dill salad before and it's one of my favorites because it is so easy to make. The meatballs and the mango honey mustard sauce were really good together. The sauce at first tasted kind of weird. We had too much mustard instead of honey. But with the meat it was fantastic. It was just enough sweet, tangy and brought out the meaty, juicy flavors of the bacon meatball. I think we will have to save this on our list of easy favorite recipes. :)

Bacon Meatballs with a Mango Honey Mustard Sauce recipe found here. I've done a couple of Juli's recipes before. Her newest cookbook is on my list of books to get. It's hard being a foodie AND a bookworm. I have like 15 cookbooks I want to get! 


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