Sunday, January 25

Lobster Bisque Soup

I'm in the market for new training shoes. I run occasionally but I do more weight lifting. Reebok has some great cross trainer shoes but the ones I like are $119 dollars. Which isn't worth it at the moment. But we'll see. I did see these cool shoes from ALP - Load N' Launch Technology. They have the technology to help launch you forward. Pretty cool huh? Might not be good for actual sports though as you could have an advantage over your opponents.

We've also been seeing the Solowheel around downtown a lot. We first thought they were segways when we saw them, but they're really a singular wheel. It is such a COOL concept! If it weren't so much money, I would definitely buy one. It looks easy to use and I like how it is rechargeable.

Today we went and explored Discovery Park. We took the bus and it wasn't that bad of a ride. It took like 45 minutes to get there. Man, it was such a gorgeous day. It was like 60 degrees out with the sun shining. It's still hard to believe that this is the winter weather here. I'll take this any day. We went down Discovery Park Loop Trail till we hit the West Point Light House. The Puget Sound was beautiful and it was so calming to hear the ocean waves lap on the shore. We also saw on the south part of the park that there was a sewage treatment plant which is pretty interesting.

There were a lot of dog walkers, runners and families out there. Even though it were a number of people around, it didn't feel congested. It would be very different if it were a Chicago Park. Then everyone would be on top of each other.  Even though it has been a few weeks, it just feels right being here in Seattle. This is why we originally came out here to experience nature. There is no way we could do this in Chicago. It would take more than an hour to go out and see Wisconsin. It's so great that we're able to go to a park that's 45 minutes away and experience nature right there.

Anyways, Friday night I made a Paleo Lobster Bisque soup from Paleo Takes 5-Or-Fewer by Paleo Dish. I know what you're thinking...LOBSTER KILLER! Naw, not really. I copped out and didn't want to get an actual real lobster.  Plus I was walking around Pike Market and did not want to carry it all the way home. Maybe I'll cross it off my list in the spring. I think I would need to get a deeper/bigger pot to accomplish my task of cooking a real live lobster. Let's get started!
First, I chopped up some pearl onions. I didn't like doing this. It was kind of a waste of time because they're so hard to peel. I think next time I will just use a regular onion. It'll save time and be more efficient. I cooked up the onions then added the coconut cream, some chicken broth and tomato paste. 
I've never actually used "coconut cream" before. I generally use coconut milk. I guess coconut cream is more concentrated. While coconut milk is the grated meat of a brown coconut. It has a higher oil and saturated fat. 
Then I added the lobster meat. Instead of a live lobster I got fresh lobster meat from the frozen section. Let me tell you, this s**t was freaking expensive, but boy was it worth it!
I then added some red curry powder and cayenne. Omg, this is what made this soup. It was the perfect amount of spice but had the nice kick at the end.
I tried using an old immersion blender that I got from my mom's house. It was alright. I might need to get a new one though as the lobster meat got caught in the blade. As I say to my parents, everything in their house is an antique. :)
Ta-da! Finished product! Isn't it so pretty!? I topped it with some avocado, dill and a side of grapes. Omg this was pretty darn good. If I'm ever craving a seafood soup and clear a cold, this would be it. So good but kind of spicy. 

Paleo Dish has her recipe in her book. But I'm sure I'll try out some more of her recipes. :)


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